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A Multi-Stage Fund across entire value stream.

The leading MICRO-VC
Judicious mix of Top-down thesis driven & Bottoms-up value investing approach

Our Investments

Few of our portfolio companies

Our Numbers


Startups Invested so far

0 + CR

Committed Capital

4 (CAT I & II) AIFs Funds

1 (IFSC) Gift City Fund

The Founding Team

Ashish Bhatia

Co-Founder , Finvolve | Founder & CEO, India Accelerator

Apoorva Vora

Co-Founder , Finvolve | Founder & CEO - Finolutions LLP

Powerful Partnerships

Discover our strategic alliances that enhance our capabilities and broaden our investment network.

Our Investment Ethos

Strategic Wealth Management

Long-term wealth creation remains our utmost priority. We focus on strategic investments that align with our clients’ financial goals, ensuring sustainable growth and robust returns.

Empowering Startups

We back ambitious and game-changing startups, providing them with the resources, mentorship and other resources needed to thrive in a fiercely competitive market.

Positive Economic Impact

Our investment strategy is clear – focus on projects that generate significant returns, boost community development, and overall economic growth on a macro level. 

The Finvolve Advantage

Our main goal is wealth creation.

Know Our Process

By leveraging shared insights and resources, participants enhance their services, access new markets, and drive growth. Together, we set new standards in wealth management, achieving greater success through collaboration and collective expertise.


Our client onboarding process is centred around multiple steps - product selection, carrying out checks, regulatory compliance, and more. With automation, our process is simplified - not chaotic for everyone involved.


We spend time in understanding the thesis and expectation mapping to know more about your goals, success metrics, strategies and prerequisites that you expect from us.

Deal Flow

In the wake of getting the cream of startups for your investment, our team extends a deal flow of curated startups.


Post our detailed vetting process, we focus on startup pitches and sensing the gravity of the matter, the pitch ought to be a winner one, which could help them win the investors straightaway.

Are you a wealth manager?

Join us to get access to a curated deal flow every month!

    A joint venture of India Accelerator and Finolutions aims at enabling wealth managers to explore the nuances of investing in the startup ecosystem

    Contact us to know more about our client handling process.

    You can also reach out to us in case you want to be a part of our growing community of seasoned wealth managers.

    A joint venture of India Accelerator and Finolutions aims at enabling wealth managers to explore the nuances of investing in the startup ecosystem

    Contact us to know more about our client handling process.

    You can also reach out to us in case you want to be a part of our growing community of seasoned wealth managers.

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